Look back, be reflective.
HeyDear is a memory box that seeks a way to reconnect our past and future in a playful context. It collects our memories, and sends them to our future selves. Letters and voice diaries can be stored and turned into paper planes and calls, then pop up at a random time in the future. It creates important moments of self-reflections and self-talks from where we can all thrive. HeyDear turns all of us into playmates with our past and future selves. It allows us to create surprises and unexpected breaks in our lives. It creates a new way of communication with the most difficult person to confront which is ourself, and opens up more possibilities of how we perceive our past.
We are losing tangible connections to our past, as we heavily rely on all kinds of devices to store and access our memories. Meanwhile, we don’t keep diaries anymore, and we take pictures and write down things that we are never going to see again. We forget about things that shouldn’t be forgotten in the blink of an eye, and we have an annoying habit of remembering things we should not. (Christopher Paolini, Eragon). It is important to understand that the way we remember and perceive our past determines how we can thrive from them. We all need to be somehow interrupted in such a fast-spinning world and think about where we are come from, and where we are heading to. More importantly, embrace us of all stages.
Hey Dear,
Write a letter to your dear self,
have a talk with your dear self,
and don’t be surprised.